Qidi-Tech-Le-parrainage-du-jeune-créateur-Baptiste-Vanotti-par-QIDI-Tech-et-la-naissance-de-Suppa Suppa

Qidi Tech: The sponsorship of the young designer Baptiste Vanotti by QIDI Tech and the birth of Suppa

In France's "Plastic Valley," a young innovator is causing a sensation with his creative solutions to everyday problems.

Baptiste Vanotti, a 15-year-old high school student from Haut-Bugey, has transformed his passion for industrial design into tangible products that attract the attention of locals and industry experts.

Using a QIDI X-Max3 3D ​​printer, Baptiste developed two main inventions: a clever holder for medicine pipettes and unbreakable golf tees connected by a string...

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Thanks to the qidi tech team for writing this article.

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