About Us

The designer
I am Baptiste Vanotti, creator of Suppa, I am a high school student passionate about the world of industry and especially plastics processing. I love creating projects using 3D design/production on a computer.
Suppa's story
Pipette holder
Looking for a solution
In 2023, I had to take a liquid medicine with a pipette. I realized that I didn't know where to put the pipette and that the drops were sticking to my nightstand. That's when I started looking for a solution to this problem...
First pipette holder
Using 3D modeling software, I created and printed a first pipette holder, simple but effective... It consisted of three extrusions of rectangles with a sub-extrusion of a circle to pass the pipette through. There was still no way to group the bottle and the pipette together.
Birth of Suppa One
The start of the project
Seeing that this product interested many people, I started to design and think about the pipette holder, considering a receptacle to put the bottle on... And that's how Suppa One was born...
The arrival of a new prototype
Although Suppa One is suitable for combining pipette and bottle, it is less practical to carry. I had thought about a version of Suppa One made of two parts that fit together, but this was not practical. So a new model was needed...
Although Suppa One is suitable for combining pipette and bottle, it is less practical to carry. I had thought about a version of Suppa One made of two parts that fit together, but this was not practical. So a new model was needed...
This product will become Suppa Two...
Suppa's story
Vanotee research
Solving a problem encountered
I have been playing golf for a long time, and I have encountered a problem: golf tees, often made of plastic, break or get lost easily, which is very annoying. So I started looking for a solution...
To solve a first problem: the loss
The most common problem with golf tees is that we lose them, we have to buy them in large quantities each time to lose them again, which is not very economical and ecological because we often leave them after playing, that's why I thought of a solution: connect the tees together with a string, and that's when the first vanotee was born in 2023, it was sold in two golf courses and was very popular. There were 6 tees of different sizes that were pierced and connected with a string.
To solve a second problem: breakage
So I started by modeling a tee in 3D, with many successive versions, of which this is the first. During an internship at the Pôle de la Plasturgie in Oyonnax, I was able to print my tees in TPU, a plastic that is almost unbreakable due to its flexibility. Although this version is very resistant, it was unusable because it could not sink into the ground. So other improvements had to be made, a process that required a lot of time, thought and many prototypes.
Looking for a 3D printer...
Until now, I made these prototypes with an old generation FDM 3D printer. Not necessarily having the means to invest in new generation machines, I contacted several companies manufacturing 3D printers.
And there, to my great surprise and above all great joy, a brand responded positively to me: Qidi Tech .

A 3D printer that makes my Suppa evolve
Qidi Tech, in order to support my project, generously gave me their latest printer, the largest model, the Qidi X Max 3.
This allowed me to produce high quality Suppa, at great speed, which drastically reduced the price per piece.